Monday, April 27, 2020

Objective paper of ch#21 for FSC aslo for MDCAT and ECAT preparation

Paper for Entry Test Preparation Physics 2nd year Chapter No. 21
Total marks:- 200                                                                           Time allowed 40 minutes
Note:- Fill the appropriate answer of the following questions in the answer sheet. Double filling and erasing is not allowed. Each question carries equal marks and for each wrong answer minus one is awarded.

1) Unified mass scale means that atomic mass is expressed in:
                a) Kg                                        b) Gram                                   c) Atomic mass unit                 d) Both (c) and (d)
2) Nucleus of a hydrogen atom may contain:
                a) One neutron                         b) 2 protons and 1 neutron      c) 2 protons and 2 neutrons     d) One proton only
3) The particle which is 7000 times more massive than the electron is called:
                a) Proton                                  b) Gamma rays                        c) Alpha particles                     d) Meson
4) The nuclei of an element having the same charge number but different mass numbers are called:
                a) Isobars                                  b) Isotopes                              c) Isomers                                 d) Isotherms
5) For protium, the mass defect is:
                a) Infinite                                 b) Zero                                    c) Very large                            d) A few grams
6) A large amount of energy can be obtained when:
                a) A heavy element breaks into lighter elements                      b) Lighter elements are fused to form a heavier elements
                c) Either (a) or (b)                                                                   d) Non of all
7) Radioactivity was discovered by:
                a) Becquerel                             b) Marie Curie                         c) Pierre Curie                          d) All of them
8) Alpha particle is:
                a) Negatively charged               b) Another name of deuterium c) A helium nucleus                 d) Lighter than a proton
9) The radiation which is not affected by electric or magnetic field may be:
                a) Alpha radiation                    b) Beta radiation                      c) Gamma radiation                 d) Protons
10) The nucleus left after the emission of some radiation is called:
                a) Parent nucleus                     b) Daughter nucleus                 c) Mother nucleus                    d) Brother nucleus
11) when certain nucleus emits a beta particle, its mass number:
                a) Remain same                       b) Increased by one                 c) Decreases by one                 d) Decreases by four
12) The unit of half life is:
                a) Pound                                  b) Metre                                   c) Kilogram                              d) Second
13) Rate of decay is actually described by:
                a) Half life                               b) Decay constant                    c) Mean life                             d) Total life
14) The reciprocal of decay constant l of a radioactive material is:
                a) Frequency                            b) Half life                               c) Year                                     d) Mean life
15) The magnitude of range of radiation particle through matter depends upon:
                a) Its charge                             b) Its mass and energy             c) Density of the medium        d) All of above
16) Alpha particle becomes a helium atom by:
                a) Releasing two electron         b) Capturing two electron         c) Capturing two protons         d) Losing two neutrons
17) Is solids, the gamma ray intensity decreases with increasing depth of penetration in the material:
                a) Linearly                               b) Exponentially                      c) Squarely                              d) Both (a) and (c)
18) Gamma radiation produces fluorescence (glow) on striking a screen coated by:
                a) Zinc sulphide                       b) Sodium iodide                     c) Barium platinocyanide         d) Both (a) and (b)
19) Examples of radiation detector is:
                a) Wilson cloud chamber         b) Gieger counter                     c) Solid state detector               d) All of above
20) Most detectors of radiation make use of the fact that:
                a) They use alcohol                                                                 b) Ionization is produced along the path of the particle
                c) Condensation process is employed                                      d) Magnetic field is used
21) To allow the entry of alpha and beta particle, one end of the G. M tube has a:
                a) Thin mica window               b) Thin galas window              c) Airy window                        d) Wooden window
22) The radiation detector which is suitable for fast counting is the:
                a) Wilson cloud chamber         b) G.M counter                        c) Solid state detector               d) Both (b) and (c)
23) Many nuclear reactions produced by bombarding different elements with:
                a) Alpha particle                      b) Protons                                                c) Neutrons                              d) Any of these
24) There is present in paraffin a large amount of:
                a) Nitrogen                               b) Hydrogen                            c) Carbon                                 d) Beryllium
25) Fission reaction is possible wtih:
                a) U-235 only                          b) U-233 only                          c) Pu-239 only                         d) Both (b) and (c)
26) To control the chain reaction in a nuclear reactor, certain rods are inserted into the reactor which are made of:
                a) Cadmium                             b) Lithium                               c) Sodium                                                d) Potassium
27) Atom bomb works at the principle that mass of uranium is taken:
                a) Equal to critical mass           b) Greater than critical mass    c) Smaller than critical mass    d) Non of all
28) Example of moderator used in a fission reactor is:
                a) Water                                   b) Heavy water                        c) Carbon                                 d) Hydrocarbon
29) The neutron produced in a fission reaction are:
                a) Very fast and less energetic b) Very slow and less energetic               c) Vary fast and more energetic               d) Both (b) and (c)
30) Cadmium and boron rods are used as:
                a) Neutron absorbers                               b) As control rods                   c) As moderator                       d) Both (b) and (c)
31) The nuclear waste can be:
                a) Dumped into the oceans      b) Into the drinking water        c) At bottom of old salt mines d) Non of all
32) As compared to the quantity in natural uranium, enriched uranium contain greater percentage of:
                a) U-238                                  b) U-235                                  c) U-233                                  d) U-239
33) Energy can be obtained from ant nuclear reaction in which the binding energy per nucleon of the products:
                a) Decreases                            b) Increases                             c) Remains same                      d) Decreases large
34) To produce fission reaction, the energy required is:
                a) In a small amount                                b) In a very small amount        c) In a very large amount         d) Is not fixed
35) As compared to the fission reaction, the energy per nucleon given out in a fussion reaction is:
                a) Greater                                 b) Smaller                                                c) Same                                    d) Much smaller
36) The sun is composed primary of:
                a) Sodium only                        b) Sodium and krypton            c) Krypton                               d) Hydrogen and helium
37) The temperature of the surface of the sun is:
                a) 100 C                                   b) 373 K                                  c) 5 million C                           d) 20 million C
38) The chemical CFC is used in:
                a) Refrigeration                        b) Aerosol spray                      c) Plastic foam industry           d) Both (a) and (c)
39) Cosmic radiation consists of:
                a) High energy charged particles                                              b) Electromagnetic radiation
                c) Protons only                                                                        d) Electrons only
40) The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere protects us from:
                a) Visible light                         b) Ultraviolet light                    c) Violet light                           d) Red light
41) Radiation may enter into the environment by:
                a) X-rays exposures                  b) Radioactive wastes              c) Colour televisions                d) Tobacco leaves
42) Neutrons are particularly more damaging to:
                a) Legs                                     b) Eyes                                    c) Hair                                     d) Hands
43) High level of radiation may cause:
                a) Anaemia                              b) Mutation                              c) Leukaemia                           d) All of above
44) Radio iodine is absorbed mostly by:
                a) Liver                                    b) Bones                                  c) Thyroid gland                      d) Brain
45) Circulation of blood can be studied by using radioactive isotopes namely:
                a) Na-24                                  b) I-131                                   c) C-14                                    d) P-32
46) The electric and magnetic forces were unified by:
                a) Bohr                                    b) Faraday and Maxwell          c) Hertz and Rutherford           d) Bohr and Rutherford
47) The force which is also called a long range force is:
                a) Electromagnetic force          b) Strong nuclear force            c) Weak nuclear force              d) Both (a) and (b)
48) The force which keeps atmosphere fixed to the surface of the plant is the:
                a) Electromagnetic force          b) Strong nuclear force            c) Gravitational force               d) Weak nuclear force
49) All matter belongs to:
                a) Quark group                        b) Lepton group                       c) Hadron group                      d) Both (a) and (b)
50) Three quarks make:
                a) An electron                          b) A meson                              c) A baryon                             d) A photon

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