Monday, April 27, 2020

Objective paper related to MDCAT ECAT etc Exams and for Fsc students ch#1

Paper for Entry Test Preparation Physics 1st year Chapter No. 1

Total marks:- 200                                                              Time allowed 50 minutes

Note:- Fill the appropriate answer of the following questions in the answer sheet. Double filling and erasing is not allowed. Each question carries equal marks and for each wrong answer minus one is awarded.

1) Physics is the branch of science that deal with the study of:
                a) matter                               b) Energy                               c) both (a) and (b)               d) Non of all
2) Radio telescope gives us information about:
                a) Moon only                       b) Earth                                 c) Far side of universe         d) Sea water
3) Aerodynamics is the branch of:
                a) hydrodynamics                 b) thermodynamics              c) statistics                            d) both (a) and (b)
4) The material used for the manufacturing of computer chips, obtained from sand is:
                a) Silicon                               b) Lead                                 c) Copper                              d) Germanium
5) Which of the following is a physical quantity:
                a) Length                               b) heat                                  c) temperature                      d) All of above
6) The total numbers of SI base units are:
                a) four                                    b) six                                     c) five                                   d) seven
7) The unit of intensity of light is:
                a) steradian                           b) candela                             c) meter/sec                          d) meter2
8) The system for international units (SI system) was firstly introduced in:
                a) 1970                                  b) 1980                                  c) 1960                                  d) 1990
9) The unit of plane angel is:
                a) degree                                b) steradian                           c) both (a) and (b)               d) radian
10) The light form the sun to earth reaches in:
                a) 500 sec                              b) 400 sec                              c) 600 sec                            d) 700 sec
11) The scientific notation of 0.0023 is:
                a) 2.3 x 10-3                          b) 2.3 x 103                           c) 0.023 x 10-1                     d) 0.23 x 10-5
12) The unit of distance is:
                a) meter                                 b) light year                          c) meter/sec                         d) both (a) and (b)
13) The mathematical definition of coulomb is:
                a) Amp/sec                           b) Amp.sec                            c) sec/Amp                          d) Amp.m
14) The mass of the substance can be measured in:
                a) kilograms                          b) moles                                c) Litre                                d) both (a) and (b)
15) The SI unit of absolute temperature is:
                a) Celsius                               b) Kelvin                              c) Centrigrade                     d) All of above
16) How many significant figures are there is 0.2020:
                a) two                                     b) three                                 c) four                                 d) five
17) The number of significant figure in 1.0011000 are:
                a) eight                                   b) seven                                 c) six                                  d) five
18) The absolute uncertainty in a measuring instrument is equal to:
                a) %age uncertainty            b) Least count                           c) Fractional uncertainty    d) Accuracy
19) The error in experiment may occur due to:
                a) Negligence                        b) Faulty apparatus                 c) Inappropriate method    d) All of above
20) For multiplication and division purposes, %age uncertainties are:
                a) Added                               b) Subtracted                        c) Multiplied                         d) Divided
21) The maximum possible error in the reading of an instrument is __ its least count:
                a) half of                               b) quarter of                         c) equal to                             d) double than
22) When we add 2.2 kg, 10.2 grams and 10.01 grams, the rounded of answer is:
                a) 2.22003 g                         b) 2.22 kg                              c) 2.2 kg                               d) 2 kg
23) The dimension of mass iis written as:
                a) M                                       b) [M]                                  c) (M)                                   d) [m]
24) The dimension of torque is:
                a) [LT-1]                                 b) [ML2T-1]                        c) [ML2T-2]                          d) [MLT-2]
25) Which of the following par if quantities have the same dimensions:
                a) work and energy             b) Force and weight               c) both (a) and (b)                d) Non of these
26) The dimension [Mo Lo T-1] reffered to the physical quantity:
                a) velocity                             b) time period                       c) frequency                         d) force
27) The dimension of the quantity ½ at2 is:
                a) [MLo To]                            b) [Mo Lo T]                        c) [Mo LTo]                          d) [1/2Mo Lo T]
28) In a mean solar day, the numbers of seconds are:
                a) 24 sec                                  b) 1440 sec                           c ) 86400 sec                        d) 3600 sec
29) 1g/cm3 is equal to:
                a) 103 kg/m3                          b) 10-3 kg/m3                         c) 1 kg/m3                            d) 106 kg/m1
30) The SI unit of volume is:
                a) Litre                                   b) cm3                                    c) dm3                                  d) both (a) and (c)
31) The prefix micro represents the:
                a) 1012                                    b) 106                                    c) 10-6                                  d) 10-2
32) If the absolute uncertainty of an instrument is 0.01 cm, then its least count will be:
                a) 0.005cm                           b) 0.01cm                               c) 0.02cm                              d) 0.001cm
33) The typical example of the base quantity is:
                a) Length                               b) Mass                                  c) Time                                  d) All of above
34) The unit of pressure is:
                a) Watt                                  b) Mole                                  c) Candela                            d) Pascal
35) Relativistic mechanics is a branch of physics, which deal with the bodies moving with velocities:
                a) more than c                      b) Approaching to c              c) Equal to c                         d) Much less than c
36) High energy physics is the branch of physics, which deal with:
                a) stars and galaxies           b) cub atomic particle             c) Light and sound               d) Molecule
37) 1 (Km)2 is equal to:
                a) 103 m2                               b) 106 m2                             c) 1010 m2                              d) 1012 m2
38) In the equation E = mc2, the value of c is:
                a) 1,86,000 mile/hr.             b) 1,86,000 miles/sec            c) 3 x 108 m/sec                     d) both (a) and (c)
39) Which of the following is not a base unit:
                a) Ampere                             b) Kelvin                              c) Watt                                   d) Candele
40) The time interval of 6.3 x 107 sec is equal to:
                a) 4 days                               b) 3 month                            c) 2 years                               d) one light year
41) The ratio of 1 nanometer to one atto meter is:
                a) 109                                     b) 108                                  c) 10-9                                    d) 10-8
42) Which of the following is the least multiple:
                a) pico                                    b) femto                              c) nano                                   d) atto
43) The length of rectangular plane is 15.3 cm and width is 12.80 cm, the area of the plate is:
                a) 195.84                               b) 195.80                              c) 195.00                               d) Any of these
44) A dimension stands for the __ nature of certain physical quantity:
                a) Super                                 b) Quantitative                     c) Qualitative                        d) Both (b) and (c)
45) Which of the following is not a proper unit of the quantity:
                a) Energy = kg.m/sec2         b) Pressure = M/m2              c) Area = m2                          d) Density = Kg/m3
46) The quantity 10-6 micro cm is written as:
                a) 10-12 cm                            b) 10-14 cm                          c) 10-2 cm                              d) 10-10 cm
47) Significant figures in 2.00 x 10-9 are:
                a) four                                    b) Three                               c) two                                    d) one
48) The units which are based to more than one unit is called:
                a) SI unit                               b) Derived unit                     c) Unit vector                        d) Base unit
49) Astrophysics is the branch of physics that deal with the:
                a) Sub atomic particle        b) Stars and galaxies                c) Light and sound              d) Heat and work
50) Silicon can be obtained from:
                a) Lead                                  b) Uranium                           c) isotopes of oxygen          d) sand
                                                                                                                                            Kamran Akhtar ch.
                                                                                                                                          M.Phil Physics

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