Monday, April 27, 2020

Objective paper of ch#6 for FSC aslo for MDCAT and ECAT preparation

Paper for Entry Test Preparation Physics 1st year Chapter No. 6

Total marks:- 160                                                    Time allowed 30 minutes

Note:- Fill the appropriate answer of the following questions in the answer sheet. Double filling and erasing is not allowed. Each question carries equal marks and for each wrong answer minus one is awarded.

1) The property of fluids due to which they resist their own flow is called:
                a) Drag force                           b) Surface tension                   c) Viscosity                             d) Optical property
2) A body passing through a viscous medium is affected by:
                a) One force only                    b) Two forces                          c) Four forces                          d) Three forces
3) A body moving through a viscous medium eventually comes to rest because of:
                a) Force of gravity                   b) Force of friction                  c) Its weight                            d) Both (a) and (c)
4) Fluid friction is ___ the friction between two solids surfaces:
                a) Greater than                         b) Smaller than                        c) Equal to                               d) None of all
5) Viscosity of water is __ that of air but __ that of plasma:
                a) More, more                         b) Less, more                          c) Less, less                             d) More, less
6) Stroke’s law holds for:
                a) Motion through free space                                                  b) Motion through viscous medium
                c) Bodies of all shape                                                              d) Motion through metals
7) High speed meteors rushing through air reduces to ashes because of:
                a) Force of gravity                   b) High resistance of air          c) Drag force                           d) High viscosity of air
8) A massive object falls through a fluid:
                a) Faster                                  b) Slower                                   c) Slowest                               d) Dose not move
9) Terminal velocity of the droplet through a medium depends upon its:
                a) Surface tension                    b) Viscosity                             c) Drag force                           d) Volatility
10) At high speeds, fluids friction __ and fuel consumption___:
                a) Increases, decreases            b) Increases, Increases            c) Decreases, Increases           d) Decreases, decreases
11) Fog droplets are suspended in air when their weight is balanced by:
                a) force of gravity                    b) Upward thrust due to air     c) Surface tension                    d) Non of all
12) Drag force increases, if speed of the object moving through the fluid:
                a) Increases                             b) Decreases                            c) Remains constant                d) Non of all
13) Stoke’s law is not applicable when the speed of the object moving through a fluid is:
                a) Zero                                     b) Small                                   c) Large                                   d) Any speed
14) The drag force according to stoke’s law is:
                a) 6 p2 h r v                             b) 6 p h r2 v                             c) 6 p h r v                              d) 6 p h r v2
15) Study of fluids in motion basically involves law of conservation of:
                a) Mass                                   b) Energy                                   c) Charge                                 d) Both (a) and (b)
16) The direction of the velocity of fluid at certain point and direction of streamline are:
                a) Same                                   b) Different from each other    c) Diverging                            d) Converging
17) The irregular or unsteady flow of the fluid is called:
                a) Laminar flow                       b) Turbulent flow                    c) Streamline flow                   d) Both (a) and (c)
18) The equation of continuity is defined as A1v1 = A2v2. Unit of A1v1 is:
                a) Cubic meter                         b) Cubic meter per second       c) Square meter per second     d) Non of all
19) Ration of mass to density gives:
                a) Volume                               b) Pressure                              c) Energy                                 d) (Volume)-1
20) Turbulent flow is:
                a) Unsteady and regular          b) Steady and irregular            c) Unsteady and irregular        d) Steady and regular
21) According to Bernoulli’s theorem, when the speed of fluid is high, there pressure will be:
                a) High                                    b) Low                                    c) Either high or low               d) Non of all
22) Chimney works ___ when it is ____:
                a) Worst, tall                            b) Best, tall                              c) Beast, small                         d) Worst, small
23) Bernoulli’s equation is the equation that relates:
                a) Pressure, volume and temperature                                       b) Fluid speed, temperature and height
                c) Height, fluid speed and pressure                                         d) Non of all
24) The action of perfumes bottles depends upon:
                a) Bernoulli’s theorem             b) Equation of continuity         c) Surface tension                    d) Viscosity
25) The unit of rgh in Bernoulli’s equation is of:
                a) Pressure                              b) Volume                                  c) Work                                   d) Force

26) Fluid means:
                a) Solid                                    b) Liquid                                 c) Gas                                      d) Both (a) and (c)
27) Streamline flow is also called:
                a) Viscous flow                       b) Laminar flow                      c) Compressible flow              d) All of above
28) When the fluid is in motion, its flow may be:
                a) Streamline                           b) Turbulent                            c) Either (a) or (b)                   d) Non of all
29) To understand behaviours of a fluid in motion, we must suppose that fluid:
                a) Is non viscous                     b) Is incompressible                c) Motion is steady                  d) All of above
30) While deriving Bernoulli’s equation, the law of conservation of __ become the base fact:
                a) Mass                                   b) Energy                                  c) Charge                                 d) Ampere
31) If , A, v, t denote area, velocity and time, then rate of flow will be given by the formula:
                a) Av                                       b) Avt                                      c) Av/t                                         d) vt/A
32) In the derivation of equation of continuity, the law of conservation of __ becomes the base fact:
                a) Mass                                   b) Energy                                 c) Charge                                 d) All of them
33) The equation of fluid dynamics that relates pressure, fluid speed and height, is called:
                a) Equation of continuity         b) Bernoulli’s equation            c) Venturi equation                  d) All of above
34) Torricelli’s equation is an application of:
                a) Bernoulli’s equation            b) Equation of continuity         c) Venturi equation                  d) All of above
35) Normally, the blood pressure (torr unit) in a healthy human body varies from:
                a) 200 to 100                           b) 150 to 70                             c) 120 to 80                             d) 100 to 60
36) Systolic pressure means ___ and diastolic pressure means ___ blood pressure:
                a) High, low                            b) Low, high                           c) Low, low                             d) High, high
37) Blood is __ fluid having a density ___ that of water:
                a) An incompressible, nearly equal to                                     b) Compressible, less than
                c) Compressible, nearly equal to                                             d) Incompressible, greater than
38) Blood vessels are __ and they stretch like a rubber hose:
                a) Rigid                                   b) Not rigid                             c) Very hard                            d) Very soft
39) A sphygmomanometer is an instrument used to:
                a) Get an X- ray                      b) Measure blood pressure      c) Test the blood glucose         d) Test the heart beat
40) Normally the pressure of blood inside the walls is __ then external atmosphere pressure:
                a) Equal to                               b) Greater than                        c) Smaller than                        d) Non of all

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